Reinvent Sales And Supply Chain With An Open Source Sales & Purchase Tool

Redtra offers a Track inventory levels, replenish stock, and manage sales orders, customers, suppliers, shipments, deliverables, and order fulfillment

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Services Details

Customer & Supplier

  • Enter customer name, select customer group, type, territory
  • Default ID is generated for the customer
  • Customer naming series can be changed from selling settings
  • Customer address and contact
  • Set default currency, price list & receivable account

Product Bundle

  • Create stock bundle by selecting parent item (Ex: Sofa Set)
  • In item table, select the bundle of items (Ex: Sofa, Hall cushion table)
  • Update the product bundle description & save
  • Product bundles are applied in sales transactions (delivery note)
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Services Details

Pricing Rule

  • Create new pricing rule & set a priority level
  • Define pricing rule criteria (item, customer, supplier, quantity, applies on or validity)
  • Select buying or selling criteria
  • Manage margin field (margin type, margin rate, price or discount) & save

Sales Order

  • Create new sales order & pull customer details from quotation
  • Apply quotation ID, expected delivery date
  • Select the warehouse to ship the order & save
  • Preview of printable sale order
  • A delivery note can be created from sales order
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Sales Taxes & Charges

  • create tax and charge templates to apply faster.
  • Create new Tax and charges template
  • Add title, company & tax type details
  • Create Tax account for each tax via Chart Of accounts


  • Discounts applied in sales & purchase transactions (price list)
  • Enter the percentage of discount on the item
  • Discount of Net total & Grand total
  • Discount rate is mentioned in the print sales invoice
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Order & Shipment Report

  • shipping status via a real-time reporting tool.
  • Track status of customer order
  • Check invoices status (partial paid, paid, pending)
  • Manage shipping status (delivered, cancelled, returned)

Request of Quotation

  • Create a New request for quotation
  • Select material request (the items to be purchased)
  • Select Series, company, & supplier details in master table
  • Add standard reply template, terms & conditions, save
  • Suppliers los into your account to provide a quote
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Supplier Quotation

  • Navigate to buying > purchasing > supplier quotation
  • Create supplier item quotation
  • Fetch address and contact in supplier master table
  • Add item, quantity, standard buying rate, & tax

Purchase Order Cycle

  • From the purchase order list, create new
  • Choose the supplier and required date
  • Customize address & contact, currency & pricing list
  • Select items & set quantity, pricing is auto-calculated
  • Set tax and charges, save to submit
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Services Details

Buying Settings

  • Configure supplier name
  • Default supplier group and buying price list
  • Purchase order and receipt required option
  • Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle
  • Allow item to be added in transaction multiple times

Supplier Group

  • Create new Supplier group list
  • Manage supplier category & set parent supplier group
  • Set default payment terms
  • Monitor the constructed tree hierarchy or structure
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Services Details

Purchase Tax & Charges

  • Add purchase Taxes & charges template
  • Set tax type for rate
  • Template table (add or deduct, reference row, account head)
  • Default option to auto-apply on new purchase transactions



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