Discover the Right Plan for Your Business

At Redtra, we offer tailored ERP solutions, innovative IT application development, and comprehensive product design services. Whether you're a small startup or an established enterprise, our plans are designed to provide the flexibility, scalability, and support you need to achieve your business goals. Explore our plans and find the perfect fit for your company's unique needs.


AED 1000/

Per Company
  • 8 Monthly Installment to own
  • 1000 AED Monthly Payment
  • Annual Maintenance: AED 2700
  • Ready to use in 24-48 hours
  • Complete cloud ERP
  • Multi-user
  • Training Included
  • Applicable for any industry
  • Access from any device


AED 1000/

Per Company
  • 18 Monthly Installment to own
  • 1000 AED Monthly Payment
  • Annual Maintenance: AED 5040
  • Ready to use in 24-48 hours
  • Complete cloud ERP
  • Multi-user
  • Training Included
  • Applicable for any industry
  • Access from any device


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  • All Advance Plan features plus
  • Multi-company support
  • Optional 3rd party integration
  • Add-on customization
  • Add-on support
  • Complete cloud ERP
  • Multi-user
  • Training Included
  • Applicable for any industry

Note: Post completion, there will be monthly recurring charges towards cloud hosting which will be calculated based on the plan, usage, and the volume of the database of the companies in use. However, the standard recurred charges will be applied in the range of AED 150 to AED 250 per month.

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1000 AED/mo

AED 8000 for Lifetime

4 Print Layouts

Basic Chat (Basic UI)

4 hours of Training (1 Admin)



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24-48 Hours

AED 2700

5 Tickets per month & 3 Months Free Support

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1000 AED/mo

AED 18000 for Lifetime

8 Print Layouts

Advanced Chat (Modern UI)

6 hours of Training (1 Admin)



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24-48 Hours

AED 5040

10 tickets per month & 3 Months Free Support

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